Ideas to celebrate the Autumn Equinox

I look forward to seeing you again in this beautiful month of September, just in time to celebrate the autumnal equinox which will take place in a few days' time, on 23 September this year. One way to harmonize with the seasons and the cycle of nature is to take the time to celebrate the change of seasons, to feel it deeply and to be part of the wheel of the year that keeps spinning and taking us with it. The equinoxes are part of the 4 cardinal milestones of the year since it is divided into two solstices and two equinoxes. The latter take place in spring and autumn, during the so-called half seasons. At these two precise times of the year, the world plays the balancing act on its thread, in perfect symmetry for a few hours. The opposite is true of solstices, since they give pride of place to light and night, to the apex of one or the other, depending on whether it is summer or winter. The autumn equinox thus sees us move from the bright season to the dark season, with joy this year for me because we had a particularly hot summer. It is time to enjoy the softness of the in-between, to gently fold back towards ourselves as the plants begin to curl up in anticipation of the long winter months ahead. In the different pagan traditions that can be found in our regions we call the autumnal equinox: Mabon or Alban Elfed for the celtists. This feast marks the end of the harvest, a time to celebrate abundance. Lughnasad which took place on August 1st was already a harvest festival and we are still in this energy today even if it is now marked by the notion that everything has an end.  Mabon is a Sabbath of balance, of balance between dark and luminous energies, of transformation and appeasement. Natural stones have many virtues (Visit if you want to know more about stone properties) and because lithotherapy is a wonderful tool to harmonize with oneself and nature, here are 3 stones that can accompany you in this period of autumnal equinox:

The amber

Amber is not a crystal strictly speaking but a fossilized resin. It is a stone that will accompany you with its energy and warmth throughout this change of season.   It’s very sunny and luminous aspect will bring you positivity and courage if you go through a difficult period.  It is a very generous stone that will stimulate your altruism but also your intellect and self-confidence.

Black cyanite

Black cyanite is an ideal stone to work with when it comes to breaking away from negative emotions and toxic relationships. It encourages letting go and allows you to overcome certain psychological and emotional blockages. Like many other black stones such as obsidian, cyanite protects us from negative energies by absorbing them and helping us to anchor.

The peridot

Peridot is a soothing stone that helps to leave behind the pains of the past and soften resentments.  It is a crystal that promotes peace and gentleness by freeing us from negative thoughts with great positivity.   Peridot promotes inner transformation by promoting clarity and confidence. Here are some suggestions I have for you to celebrate Mabon:
  • Write on pieces of paper the benefits we have enjoyed during this year. Life blesses us in many ways and it is always good to take the time to remember it. Why not write these reasons to feel gratitude on pretty papers meditate on these moments and slip them into a jar or box. You could also continue as the year progresses and decide, for example, at each full moon or when you feel like adding new ones as you go along. So when you have a little less courageous morale you can open this box and reread all the good things that have happened to you and find hope because new ones are still to come.
  • Celebrate our successes and successes! Mabon is the celebration of the harvest so it is normal that we celebrate what we have sown and harvested this year.
  • The autumn equinox is also a time of transformation so let's do like trees and get rid of old leaves. This is the ideal time to take stock of our projects that have come to an end, of what is hindering us, of what does not bring us anything and weighs us down both literally and figuratively. It is therefore an opportunity to empty your closets of the clothes you don't wear and the old things that bother you, but also to question your love, friendship and professional relationships and to make the necessary decisions for your own good.
  • In the garden it is time to harvest the last summer vegetables and their seeds to set aside for next spring.
  • As always, let's take the time to go for a walk in nature and observe the changing seasons, the look of the trees, the changing colours, and the atmosphere different from that of summer. We can also take the opportunity to collect dead leaves, fallen acorns, pine cones to decorate the house and altar.
  • I find that the celebration of the seasons always goes through the table because nature is abundant and brings us different and delicious foods every time. I think of hot tea with homemade cookies, apple and spice pie, pumpkin cake, mushrooms and autumn vegetables fried with herbs from the garden.
  • It is also a time to take care of yourself, purify yourself, slip into a hot bath with candles and crystals but also purify your home with palo santo or sage, do a great autumn cleaning and then pull out the plaids and candles to prepare for a gentle cocooning.
I hope you enjoyed these suggestions and ideas for reflection on the transition to autumn. Feel free to comment, share and write me a little comment!

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